Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I Survived the Ides of March (and you can too.)

Just keep an eye out for the stabbing of knives.

Overheard at work

"I heard yesterday was Steak and BJ Day"
"What's that?"
"What's what?"
"Are you serious?"
"Yes, what does that mean?"
"Um... big jerk"
"Well, that makes no sense at all."

Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Pi Day Jerks

In honor of your obsession with the mathematical constant whose value is the ratio of any Euclidean plane circle's circumference to its diameter, I give you this video of a girl whose parents probably should let her socialize with other children more.

The Good and Bad of Setting Your Alarm Clock Incorrectly

Wake up and say: "Now that was a refreshing sleep."

Get to work three hours late and say: "Now that was a refreshing sleep."

Friday, March 11, 2011

“It is a time when one's spirit is subdued and sad, one knows not why; when the past seems a storm-swept desolation, life a vanity and a burden, and the future but a way to death.”
- Mark Twain